Sunday, July 10, 2011


Now these guys are so damned good it's just offensive.  No band has the right to be this mind-blowing.  And I know they must good because there's next to no information out there on them.  Also, I haven't posted here in months so they've definitely stirred something in me. Sure, there are clear Jesus Lizard and Steve Albini influences to be found, but when has that ever been a bad thing?  And once you get past the comparisons, you begin to realise that Blacklisters have an unmistakable sound all of their own which is what I'm always looking and, alas, is all too rare.  Better still, underneath that wonderful barrage of noise are some of the most ridiculously catchy songs I've heard in some time.

Here's some entertaining footage from the Leeds Festival 2010 (hometown gig incidentally).  You'll also find Bandcamp links to free downloads so go get 'em.  Now!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Brain Banger

Brain Banger features two-thirds of the ridiculously incredible Young Widows.  Indeed, Nick Thieneman and Jeremy McMonigle were already acting as rhythm section for BB before they were united for the same duties in YW.  Not surprisingly, both bands have a lot in common sound-wise.  What I find distinguishes the two bands and makes it worth spending time in the listening company of both is they each writes damn good songs.  So, while I was instantly reminded of 'Settle Down City' the first time I heard BB it wasn't long before I was able to let go of the comparison because the latter three-piece have proven themselves more than capable of producing their own catchy racket that quickly nestles itself in your skull.

For the record, it's a tad annoying to see these bands described condescendingly as a throw-back to grunge and noise from the early to mid-90s.  Sure, they're worthy of comparison to great bands from that era but make no mistake, this is noise-rock for the 21st Century and it's more relevant than ever given the piss-poor quality of what's supposed to pass for alternative over the last decade.

You'll find more about the band below, plus a track each from their two releases to date - debut album, Yellow Belly, and recent EP, Munsoned.  Highly recommended.



